Sistema - fuck bigtech praise colnet
This server has been monitored since 6 days ago with uptime of 100.00%
Detected language of this server is Italian
This server uses a CDN to block its actual location, you should investigate where the actual server is located before using
Server last checked 8 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign upThis website using a GreenHost
Sistema è rivolto a chiunque sia stanco del putridume attuale che caratterizza l'utenza dei piú famosi social network.
This server runs mastodon software, version 4.3.2This server has been monitored since 6 days ago with uptime of 100.00%
Detected language of this server is Italian
This server uses a CDN to block its actual location, you should investigate where the actual server is located before using
Server last checked 8 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign upThis website using a GreenHost
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